
Argentina by proper combination of climate and soil provides excellent harvests, high volume and excellent quality. That is why we established business relationships with the best Argentine producers in each of the areas of our country. To give everyone the best quality, the best service ever.


Although the United States is the world's largest producer of popcorn-from which is made the pop corn or "popcorn" - and despite some ups and downs of a market logic very dependent on supply and demand, this alternative production was increased in Argentina, so much so that six years is the leading exporter and former world prices, the marketing abroad almost all of what it produces. This achievement is the result of hard work and effort over several years by the entire production chain, from the innovation of geneticists working in the nursery, to producer efficiency, up to the entrepreneurial vision of exporters. In Argentina, the most important production area is located in the heart of northern maicero Buenos Aires and southern Santa Fe, which concentrates most of the popcorn processing plants; further back are the NOA and the southeast of Buenos Aires .

Sunflower Seeds

In Argentina, the largest sunflower production area extends from Chaco in the north to the south of the Pampas. In recent years there has been the shift from production areas to the west of the Pampa and the Chaco region. Argentina is one of the first worldwide producer and exporter with a share of 60% in the international market, 92% of sunflower seed produced in Argentina is processed, a 65 - 75% is exported as crude oil in bulk and the rest as grain or refined oil packaging. Pronounced differences exist between confectionary sunflower and sunflower oiler. In the case of sunflower edible oil, seeds are small, black, and high oil content. The shell of the grain is firmly attached to the seed which is located inside. From these seeds come from sunflower oil and are also used as food for birds. By contrast, the main characteristic of confection sunflower is its large size and low fat content. Its seeds, black with white stripes, are edible, very tasty and nutritious. The nugget is slightly attached to the shell, which facilitates the process of shelling.


The chickpea looks very promising in our country. Argentina was a net importer of chickpeas, but today has managed to reverse the trade balance. The cultivation takes place in an area ranging from 100 to 150 ha. The planting date coincides with the last days of May to the long cycle varieties and the first days of July for short cycle. Harvesting takes place later this year, but is collected until Easter. In recent years, the harvest has increased driven by increased demand in Brazil and import substitution.


The pea crop in Argentina, is made extensively to supply industry and intensively for fresh consumption. Of the total volume of peas produced, 90% is for dry grain, 8.0% to fresh green beans for canning or freezing and the remaining 2.0% fresh string beans. The dry beans are produced for domestic consumption and export. The climate is ideal for growing temperate to temperate-cold and wet. Frosts are dangerous during the flowering and grain filling, but during the remaining phases has a certain resistance to frosts (-2/-3 º C).